How to find the available free space in HDFS?

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It is a quite common need to find the available free space in HDFS. There are a couple of ways to find this information.

Using cluster manager

If you are using a cluster manager like Ambari or Cloudera Manager then you can go to the HDFS service and see this information in the summary section.

Below is a screenshot from Ambari.

Using dfsadmin command

Use hdfs dfsadmin command If you prefer to get this information using commands.

[hdfs@wk1 osboxes]$ hdfs dfsadmin -report

Configured Capacity: 443659396096 (413.19 GB)
Present Capacity: 417325324646 (388.66 GB)
DFS Remaining: 413394139494 (385.00 GB)
DFS Used: 3931185152 (3.66 GB)
DFS Used%: 0.94%
Under replicated blocks: 819
Blocks with corrupt replicas: 1
Missing blocks: 1

Missing blocks (with replication factor 1): 0

Use the below command if you are using an older version of Hadoop.

hadoop dfsadmin -report


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How to find the available free space in HDFS?
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