How to search a file or objects by name inside an S3 bucket?

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Each files we upload to S3 gets assigned a key and the key has the following structure [FOLDERNAME]/[FILENAME]

A common problem is to search the objects by the name of the file or object.


If you are on the console, simply type the name you are trying to search on the search box.

Use aws s3 ls command with recursive option followed by a grep and the file name pattern you are trying to match. Here is an example. Below we are trying to find the files or objects with “instance” in its name.

[osboxes@wk1 ~]$ aws s3 ls s3://hirw-workshop --recursive | grep instance
2015-11-18 12:26:23      35309 logs/j-3W1M8XUBXX40/node/i-37098987/daemons/instance-state/instance-state.log-2015-11-18-12-15.gz
2015-11-18 12:35:50      34855 logs/j-3W1M8XUBXX40/node/i-37098987/daemons/instance-state/instance-state.log-2015-11-18-12-30.gz
2015-11-18 12:22:35      20959 logs/j-3W1M8XUBXX40/node/i-3a09898a/daemons/instance-state/instance-state.log-2015-11-18-12-15.gz
2015-11-18 12:32:35         73 logs/j-3W1M8XUBXX40/node/i-3a09898a/daemons/instance-state/instance-state.log-2015-11-18-12-30.gz
2015-11-18 12:22:35      20840 logs/j-3W1M8XUBXX40/node/i-3b09898b/daemons/instance-state/instance-state.log-2015-11-18-12-15.gz
2015-11-18 12:32:35         73 logs/j-3W1M8XUBXX40/node/i-3b09898b/daemons/instance-state/instance-state.log-2015-11-18-12-30.gz
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How to search a file or objects by name inside an S3 bucket?
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