Announcement – Spark Course Go-Live Date

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We almost get about 2-3 emails every day asking when we are planning to release Spark Developer In Real World course. This morning we went going back in our emails to see when did we first got a request for a full Spark course – it was back in March 2015. 3 years later we finally have a release date for the Spark Developer In Real World course.

Spark Developer In Real World course will go-live on Sunday, April 29th 2018.

Why it took almost 3 years for us to release Spark?

3 years back, even when we were very much involved in building Spark applications, we wanted to give both our Hadoop Developer In Real World and Hadoop Administrator In Real World courses our full attention. In 2016, we went live with Hadoop Administrator In Real World. In 2017, we focused entirely on updating both Hadoop developer and administrator courses, adding more topics and concepts to help keep our students up-to-date with Hadoop and other tools from the ecosystem. In addition to the updates to the existing courses, we released Spark Starter Kit course on May 21st 2017. You can check out all our 2017 releases here.

We spent a good portion of 2017 and entire 2018 channeling all our energy towards building a full Spark course. To be honest, we were hoping to release Spark by end January of 2018 then we moved the date to March and finally we settled on April 29th. Why? Our initial course curriculum for Spark Developer In Real World was light on Machine Learning (Spark ML) and we also didn’t plan to cover Spark Streaming for the go-live. We had a lot of internal discussions and spoke to our students and decided a Spark course is not complete with out strong Machine learning coverage. Additionally, we see a lot of momentum towards Spark Streaming. We know for a fact our students would need both Machine Learning (Spark ML) and Spark Streaming in their day to day job. So we decided to make Spark Developer In Real World course strong in both Machine Learning (Spark ML) and Spark Streaming.

We will make sure the course is every ounce worth your wait!

What is the price of the course?

When Spark Developer In Real World goes live on April 29th, it will be priced at $199. Course will be available for pre-order on April 14th 2018 for $149. That is, you will get a $50 early bird discount if you sign up before April 29th. So be sure to pre-order the course to get the early bird pricing. We will send you information to pre-order when we get closer to April 14th.

Thank you for patiently waiting while we continue to work on the course. We want to make sure we give you only the best and the great because you deserve it!

Big Data In Real World
Big Data In Real World
We are a group of Big Data engineers who are passionate about Big Data and related Big Data technologies. We have designed, developed, deployed and maintained Big Data applications ranging from batch to real time streaming big data platforms. We have seen a wide range of real world big data problems, implemented some innovative and complex (or simple, depending on how you look at it) solutions.

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Announcement – Spark Course Go-Live Date
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