Big Data In Real World

August 4, 2015

InputSplit vs Block

InputSplit vs Block The central idea behind MapReduce is distributed processing and hence the most important thing is to divide the dataset in to chunks and […]
July 19, 2015

Hadoop Modes

Hadoop Modes Hadoop cluster is made up of several key process and each process is designed to do a specific task. Here are the key daemons […]
July 14, 2015

JobTracker and TaskTracker

JobTracker and TaskTracker JobTracker and TaskTracker are 2 essential process involved in MapReduce execution in MRv1 (or Hadoop version 1). Both processes are now deprecated in […]
June 25, 2015

What is DistCp?

“Working With HDFS” chapter in our Hadoop Starter Kit course covers the details on working with HDFS. In that chapter we looked at how to copy, […]
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