Confused To Confidence
You went through Hadoop tutorials on YouTube or even took another Hadoop course but you still feel your understanding of Hadoop didn't get any better. Don't worry. We have many successful students who joined our course with similar feeling but they left the course with confidence.

Non Programming Background - No Problem
We have students from all career paths in the course. Starting from Java programmer to database developer to ETL tester to Data analyst. If you a non programmer, don't worry. We will guide you through the course.

Intriguing teaching style - You will not be bored
We are always appreciated for our teaching style and you can see that in the reviews from our students. We design courses based on 2 simple principles - keep it simple and keep it interesting. We can guarantee that you will not be bored.

Crush Interviews
You learnt Hadoop. Now what? Getting in to a big data Job is the next step. Throught out the course we cover all the essentials, tips, tricks to crack tough interviews. You will start your job hunt with zero fear.

Real World Problems & Scenarios
Have you taken a course which was just theoretical? We call it - "The Curse Of Theory". Our principle - "Less Theory. More Practical." Practical examples and projects reduces the need for theory and improves the understanding of concept and explores the real world problems and scenarios.

Stress Free Big Data Career
You landed a career in Big Data. With that comes production issues, troubleshooting, optimizations along with all that some stress. That's why we emphasis on troubleshooting, optimizations and teach you shortcuts, tips and tricks. All this to make you "Production Ready".

Practice in our cluster for Free
Practicing Hadoop with a packaged sandbox VM in your Laptop is like learning to play a guitar with out a guitar. To learn Hadoop right, you need access to a multi-node environment. You will get free access to our multi node cluster along with this course.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Don't like the course for any reason. No Worries. Let us know with in 30 days and we will do a 100% refund. No questions asked.

Excellent & Caring Support
Our students satisfaction is of utmost importance and every thing else is secondary. We are here for you, every step of the way and you can count on us.

- HDFS | Core
- MapReduce & YARN | Core
- Pig | Analytics
- Hive | Analytics
- Sqoop | Ingestion
- Flume | Ingestion
- Amazon Web Services (AWS) | Cloud
- Elastic MapReduce (EMR) | Cloud

- Stocks Dataset | Aggregation & Manipulation
- Facebook Problem | Finding Mutual Friends
- New York Times: Time Machine | Distributed Text to PDF conversion
- Million Song Dataset | Finding Rare Artists with Great Songs
- Wikipedia | Page Ranking
- Twitter | Find Influential Users

- Architecture
- SPOF | Single Point Of Failure
- Cluster Setup | on Cloud
- File Formats | AVRO, Sequence..
- Performance Optimizations
- Troubleshooting
- Interview Essentials
- Shortcuts, Tips & Tricks
1Is this course right for me?
Are you planning to get in to the field of Hadoop as a developer?
You want to learn concepts, tips & tricks that would help you survive as a Hadoop Developer in real production environments ?
If you answered yes, then this is the perfect course for you.
2I am not a programmer, will I be able to follow the course?
We have several students in the course who are not programmers. We have students from all backgrounds - database developers, DBAs, business analysts, QA / test engineers etc. and have successfully started their career in Hadoop. There are several tools in the Hadoop ecosystem that does not require a programming background. For eg. tools like Pig, Hive, Sqoop, Flume etc. does not require an ounce of programming experience.
3What skills do I need to start with the course?
Basic Linux knowledge. Simple commands to change directories, open/close files etc.
Basic SQL knowledge. Simple selects, inserts & simple join statements
Java knowledge is not mandatory but basic Java skills won't hurt to follow MapReduce programs in Java
4Does this course cover Hadoop Administration concepts?
No. This course is designed for students who want to be Hadoop Developer. But, don't worry. We have a course specific to Hadoop Administrators. Click here to check out the Hadoop Administrator In Real World course.
5I am looking to learn a specific tool. How do I know whether that tool is covered?
We have the detailed up-to-date curriculum explaining every topic that is covered in the course. Please check the curriculum below to find out whether the tool you are looking for is in the curriculum.
6I am still not sure whether this course is good for me..
No worries. We totally understand. Let's us know your expectations by sending an email to info@hadoopinrealworld.com and we will give our HONEST opinion whether this course will be a good fit for you on not.
Chapter 1: Thank You and Let's Get Started
- Course Structure | 11:03
- Tools & Setup | 09:09
- Tools & Setup (Linux) | 07:42
Chapter 2: Introduction To Big Data
- What is Big Data? | 17:47
- Understanding Big Data Problem | 14:24
- History of Hadoop | 03:46
Chapter 3: HDFS
- HDFS - Why Another Filesystem? | 13:20
- Blocks | 07:50
- Working With HDFS | 16:09
- HDFS - Read & Write | 09:31
- HDFS - Read & Write (Program) | 08:38
- Quiz 2 Test your understanding of HDFS | 5 questions
- HDFS Assignment | Article
Chapter 4: MapReduce
- Introduction to MapReduce | 08:51
- Dissecting MapReduce Components | 18:03
- Dissecting MapReduce Program (Part 1) | 12:00
- Dissecting MapReduce Program (Part 2) | 16:09
- Combiner | 06:20
- Counters | 06:43
- Facebook - Mutual Friends | 17:38
- New York Times - Time Machine | 15:43
- Quiz 3 Test your understanding of MapReduce | 12 questions
- MapReduce Assignment | Article
Chapter 5: Apache Pig
- Introduction to Apache Pig | 12:52
- Loading & Projecting Datasets | 13:41
- Solving a Problem | 13:32
- Complex Types | 21:12
- Pig Latin - Joins | 19:53
- Million Song Dataset (Part 1) | 10:29
- Million Song Dataset (Part 2) | 15:01
- Page Ranking (Part 1) | 08:11
- Page Ranking (Part 2) | 19:26
- Page Ranking (Part 3) | 12:17
- Quiz 4 Test your understanding of Apache Pig | 13 questions
- Apache Pig Assignment | Article
Chapter 6: Apache Hive
- Introduction to Apache Hive | 09:58
- Dissect a Hive Table | 10:14
- Loading Hive Tables | 11:17
- Simple Selects | 06:07
- Managed Table vs. External Table | 06:20
- Order By vs. Sort By vs. Cluster By | 09:44
- Partitions | 19:31
- Buckets | 07:27
- Hive QL - Joins | 09:21
- Twitter (Part 1) | 09:33
- Twitter (Part 2) | 08:43
- Quiz 5 Test your understanding of Apache Hive | 18 questions
- Apache Hive Assignment | Article
Chapter 7: Architechture
- HDFS Architechture | 12:46
- Secondary Namenode | 11:24
- Highly Available Hadoop | 08:48
- MRv1 Architechture | 10:49
- YARN | 11:22
- Quiz 6 Test your understanding of Hadoop Architechture | 10 questions
Chapter 8: Cluster Setup
- Vendors & Hosting | 06:35
- Cluster Setup (Part 1) | 23:43
- Cluster Setup (Part 2) | 25:35
- Cluster Setup (Part 3) | 18:01
- Amazon EMR | 15:46
- Quiz 7 Test your understanding of Cluster Setup | 7 questions
Chapter 9: Hadoop Administrator In Real World (Preview)
- Cloudera Manager - Introduction | 13:08
- Cloudera Manager - Installation | 24:07
Chapter 10: File Formats
- Compression | 14:55
- Sequence File | 18:32
- AVRO | 19:08
- File Formats - Pig | 18:08
- File Formats - Hive | 11:03
- Introduction to RCFile | 15:28
- Working with RCFile | 15:14
- Introduction to ORC | 20:53
- Working with ORC | 12:03
- Parquet - Another Columnar Format | 17:43
- Quiz 8 Test your understanding of File Formats | 10 questions
Chapter 11: Troubleshooting and Optimizations
- Exploring Logs | 08:49
- MRUnit | 09:31
- MapReduce Tuning | 12:39
- Pig Join Optimizations (Part 1) | 17:17
- Pig Join Optimizations (Part 2) | 13:56
- Hive Join Optimizations | 19:36
- Quiz 9 Test your understanding of Troubleshooting & Optimizations | 15 questions
Chapter 12: Apache Sqoop
- Sqoop Imports | 13:59
- Sqoop - File Formats | 09:01
- Jobs & Incremental Imports | 15:33
- Hive - Exports | 07:30
Chapter 13: Apache Flume
- Introduction to Flume | 14:03
- Replication | 07:19
- Consolidation & Mutliplexing | 16:23
- Streaming Twitter with Flume | 08:09
Chapter 14: Kafka
- Kafka - The Why & the What? | 08:43
- Kafka Concepts | 12:32
- Tolerating Failures - Producers & Consumers | 12:51
- Tolerating Failures - Brokers | 12:06
- Kafka Installation | 10:20
- Experiments with Kafka | 19:18
- Streaming Meetup with Kafka (Part-1) | 14:17
- Streaming Meetup with Kafka (Part-2) | 17:15
Chapter 15: Bonus
- Preparing For Hadoop Interviews | 19:15