Difference between EBS, S3 and Glacier in AWS?

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EBS, S3 and Glacier are different storage options available in Amazon Web Services. They differ in cost, use case and purpose. Here is a super quick summary.


  • EBS is block storage
  • Can be formatted and accessed as file system
  • Tied to a region and can be accessed only from that region. But can be transferred to another region.
  • You need an EC2 instance to access the data
  • Snapshots can be taken for backup reasons.


  • S3 is object storage
  • Can be accessed from any region and from the internet
  • Great for storing large volume of data
  • Can be stored for archiving data too
  • S3 is not a filesystem so locking, permissions can be applied
  • Extremely reliable
  • Cheaper than EBS


  • Cheaper of all 3 options
  • Great for long term storage
  • Not as high performance as S3
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Difference between EBS, S3 and Glacier in AWS?
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