Hadoop In Real World Community

Announcement – Spark Course Go-Live Date
March 12, 2018
SparkSession vs. SparkContext vs. SQLContext vs. HiveContext
February 25, 2019
Announcement – Spark Course Go-Live Date
March 12, 2018
SparkSession vs. SparkContext vs. SQLContext vs. HiveContext
February 25, 2019

We are happy and excited to announce, today we are launching a Slack workspace for Hadoop In Real World community. The purpose of the Slack workspace is to help members in Hadoop In Real World community to land their dream job in Big Data space and also help experienced members grow in their Big Data career.

Don’t know what is Slack? It is a real time messaging and team collaboration app on steroids and it is super simple to use. Here is a quick video about Slack.


We want the best for our members and students in Hadoop In Real World. We know you are spending your time and effort learning about Hadoop, Spark and other tools not just for fun but to get a job in big data space.

The main motivation behind the Hadoop In Real World’s slack workspace is to bring the members and students in Hadoop In Real World closer together so that members in the community can help each other achieve their dreams of getting their next job in the big data space.

At this time of writing, we have over 75,000 students across all our free and paid courses combined and this means we can build a very strong community of people with wide range of experiences in the big data space. This gives us an unique opportunity to create a common space where we can all help each other out.

At the moment, you are either working in the big data space or actively working hard to switch your career from non big data space to big data or you could be even straight out of college trying to launch your brand new career in big data. You could be working in tough big data problems or learning about all the big data tools and concepts or preparing really hard for next big data interview. Doesn’t matter where you are in the journey, you can reach out to the Hadoop In Real World community to help you move ahead in reaching closer to your goal.

Click here to join Hadoop In Real World community in Slack

We will be taking a back set and let the community drive

The Hadoop In Real World slack workspace is meant for members and students of Hadoop In Real World to reach out other members in the community for help and help each other out. The community is not meant to ask questions to instructors of Hadoop In Real World about videos and lectures in the courses, quite honestly we will take the back seat and let you and the members in the community drive the discussions inside the slack channels.

That is why we named the slack workspace hirwers (Hadoop In Real World-ers). This community is made for you and other members to bring everyone in the Hadoop In Real World community closer and help each other out. As a matter of fact, the idea for this community came out from members like you in one of our webinars. We (instructors) will still be available and participate in the discussions in the slack channels but any Q&A type questions about the videos or lectures in the courses should go in to the Q&A section of the respective courses.

Click here to join Hadoop In Real World community in Slack

How do I use the Hadoop In Real World community?

It’s simple. Use the collective power of the community to help you in your big data journey and land your next dream job in big data. Here are few examples and scenarios how you can use the workspace and get involved.

You just started learning Hadoop or Spark and super confused about a certain concept

No problem. Post your doubts or questions in one of the slack channels and members in the community will jump in and answer your question or help you understand the concept.

You have an interview coming up and you are preparing very hard for it

Simply ask your fellow community members for interview tips and questions. Most likely we will have other members in the community preparing for interviews and more importantly recently gave interviews. So those who recently attended interviews can offer you tips, their experiences and questions that were asked in the interviews.

You recently went for an interview

You can help your fellow community members by sharing your interview experience, the questions (and answers) that were asked to you in the interviews.

You recently got a job to work in Big Data

Congratulations! Share your experience and your journey with the community. This will be a source of motivation for anyone who is working hard to one day launch a career in big data.

You are already working in big data space and you have a job opening at your work place

Awesome! Please post the job opening in one of our channels and it be a great help for your fellow community members and people in the community will love you for that.

Current Slack channels in the community

You will be communicating with other fellow community members by sending messages in one of the slack channels inside the hirwers workspace. You can ask Hadoop or Spark related questions, post interview questions, ask for help with interviews or job openings in any of the public channels. Right now we have 3 public channels – hadoop, spark & success-stories. These public channels are open for anyone.

Click here to join Hadoop In Real World community in Slack

Basic guidelines

We want the slack community to be useful, safe and fun for everyone. We all should keep in mind that members in the community are in various stages in their big data journey and will have different level of expertise. So it everyone’s job in the community to be respectful of that and encourage other members in the community to participate and get the most out of the community.

  1. It’s all about give and take – the more you help others; the more others will help you.
  2. All questions are welcome and no questions are silly or dumb. So please don’t mock simple questions and discourage people. Help as much as you can.
  3. We LOVE all our students and we always strive to take good care of them. Solicitation and bothering any members of Hadoop In Real World community for your own personal gain will not be tolerated.

In simple words, if we find someone is disrespectful to others and bother people in the community for their personal benefit, we will kick the troublesome person out.

Alright, don’t wait any longer, join the community and get closer to your dreams and goals.

Click here to join Hadoop In Real World community in Slack

Big Data In Real World
Big Data In Real World
We are a group of Big Data engineers who are passionate about Big Data and related Big Data technologies. We have designed, developed, deployed and maintained Big Data applications ranging from batch to real time streaming big data platforms. We have seen a wide range of real world big data problems, implemented some innovative and complex (or simple, depending on how you look at it) solutions.

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Hadoop In Real World Community
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