Hadoop In Real World is now Big Data In Real World! - Big Data In Real World

Hadoop In Real World is now Big Data In Real World!

Hadoop In Real World is changing to Big Data In Real World
February 19, 2023
How to delete duplicate data from the Hive table?
March 7, 2023
Hadoop In Real World is changing to Big Data In Real World
February 19, 2023
How to delete duplicate data from the Hive table?
March 7, 2023

www.bigdatainrealworld.com is now fully live

Hadoop In Real World is now Big Data In Real World! In-case you missed our communication from last week, you can read it here.

What has changed?

  • All links pointing to hadoopinrealworld.com will automatically redirect to bigdatainrealworld.com
  • At the moment both courses.hadoopinrealworld.com and courses.bigdatainrealworld.com work. Soon courses.hadoopinrealworld.com will automatically redirect to courses.bigdatainrealworld.com (awaiting DNS propagation)
  • Our socials (youtube and facebook) have been updated with the new name bigdatainrealworld.com
  • Our new email is info@bigdatainrealworld.com
  • All emails sent to info@hadoopinrealworld.com are automatically forwarded to info@bigdatainrealworld.com. You will get our replies from info@bigdatainrealworld.com.

Nothing else has changed other than the name change. Same high quality instructors, same high quality course content, just a new domain name to better represent us in the Big Data space where change is the only constant.

As always feel free to reply to this email if you have any questions.

Do you have to do anything?

  • We have auto redirects in place for hadoopinrealworld.com URLs to automatically redirect to bigdatainrealworld.com URLs to avoid disruption.
  • Add our new email, info@bigdatainrealworld.com to your contact list so our emails don’t end up in SPAM folder.

Feel free to send an email to info@bigdatainrealworld.com if you have any questions.

Big Data In Real World
Big Data In Real World
We are a group of Big Data engineers who are passionate about Big Data and related Big Data technologies. We have designed, developed, deployed and maintained Big Data applications ranging from batch to real time streaming big data platforms. We have seen a wide range of real world big data problems, implemented some innovative and complex (or simple, depending on how you look at it) solutions.

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Hadoop In Real World is now Big Data In Real World!
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Hadoop In Real World is now Big Data In Real World!