Hadoop Modes

JobTracker and TaskTracker
July 14, 2015
Data Locality in Hadoop
July 28, 2015
JobTracker and TaskTracker
July 14, 2015
Data Locality in Hadoop
July 28, 2015

Hadoop Modes

Hadoop cluster is made up of several key process and each process is designed to do a specific task. Here are the key daemons that make up a Hadoop cluster.

1. NameNode
2. DataNode
3. JobTracker
4. TaskTracker
5. ResourceManager (MRv2)
6. ApplicationMaster (MRv2)
7. NodeManager (MRv2)
8. SecondaryNameNode

You can run a Hadoop in one of the 3 supported modes –

  1. Local (Standalone) Mode
  2. Pseudo-Distributed Mode
  3. Fully-Distributed Mode

Local (Standalone) Mode

By default, Hadoop is configured to run in a single-node, non-distributed mode, as a single Java process. This is useful for debugging. This does not offer you a true distributed environment. The usage of this mode is very limited and it can be only used for experimentation.

Pseudo-Distributed Mode

Just like the Standalone mode, in Pseudo-Distributed Mode Hadoop is run on a single-node in a pseudo(false) distributed mode. The difference is that each Hadoop daemon runs in a separate Java process in Pseudo-Distributed Mode. Where as in Local mode each Hadoop daemon runs as a single Java process. Again the usage of this mode is very limited and it can be only used for experimentation.

Fully-Distributed Mode

In fully-distributed mode, all daemons are executed in a separate nodes forming a multi node cluster. This setup offers true distributed computing capability and offers built-in reliability, scalability and fault tolerance. This is the standard mode of operation in DEV, QA, UAT, PREPROD and Production environments.

Big Data In Real World
Big Data In Real World
We are a group of Big Data engineers who are passionate about Big Data and related Big Data technologies. We have designed, developed, deployed and maintained Big Data applications ranging from batch to real time streaming big data platforms. We have seen a wide range of real world big data problems, implemented some innovative and complex (or simple, depending on how you look at it) solutions.

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Hadoop Modes
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