How to download an entire bucket from S3?

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Downloading an entire bucket or folder inside a bucket is quite straightforward with AWS CLI. Install AWS CLI from here  if you don’t have it already.

Copy an entire folder from S3

Use the cp command to download a folder inside a bucket from S3 to local. recursive option will download all files and folders if you have a recursive folder/file structure.

aws s3 cp s3://BUCKETNAME/PATH/TO/FOLDER /home/hirw/s3-folder --recursive


Copy an entire bucket from S3

Use the sync command to download an entire bucket from s3 to local. If /home/hirw/s3-bucket is empty then all files from s3 bucket will be copied to s3-bucket directory. If you have same files in /home/hirw/s3-bucket directory then the contents in the directory will be overwritten with the contents from s3://BUCKETNAME

aws s3 sync s3://BUCKETNAME /home/hirw/s3-bucket


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How to download an entire bucket from S3?
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