How to find the number of objects in an S3 bucket?

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There is no separate command in AWS CLI to find the number of objects in an S3 bucket but there is a workaround.


aws s3 listing with recursive option will list all the objects in the bucket.

[osboxes@wk1 ~]$ aws s3 ls s3://hirw-kickstarter --recursive
2020-11-18 16:46:03          0 Output2/_SUCCESS2
2020-11-18 16:43:34        111 Output2/_committed_1768500173264775255
2020-11-18 16:43:34          0 Output2/_started_1768500173264775255
2020-11-18 16:43:34     170043 Output2/part-00000-tid-1768500173264775255-99c4578a-e958-4e22-869b-46bfaf1acbfa-611-c000.csv
2018-04-07 16:20:35   46500324 ks-projects-201612.csv

Use aws s3 listing with recursive option piping the output to the count.

[osboxes@wk1 ~]$ aws s3 ls s3://hirw-kickstarter --recursive | wc -l

Note that folder “Output2” is not counted as an object. The Amazon S3 console implements folder object creation by creating a zero-byte object. They are only used for organization purposes.

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How to find the number of objects in an S3 bucket?
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