How to find the version of Hadoop and Hive?

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What is the difference between EXPLODE and LATERAL VIEW EXPLODE in Hive?
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As simple as this question sounds, we get this question a lot. So we decided to write a post on finding the version of Hadoop and Hive.

Hadoop version

Execute hadoop version  to find the version of Hadoop.

[hdfs@wk1 osboxes]$ hadoop version

Subversion -r 3091053c59a62c82d82c9f778c48bde5ef0a89a1
Compiled by jenkins on 2019-06-20T10:12Z
Compiled with protoc 2.5.0
From source with checksum abed71da5bc89062f6f6711179f2058
This command was run using /usr/hdp/

Hive version

Execute hive –version  to find the version of Hive

[hdfs@wk1 osboxes]$ hive --version

Hive 1.2.1000.
Subversion git:// -r 97227314513877d194dc15c071fe4e4b8fa3d781
Compiled by jenkins on Thu Jun 20 13:28:19 UTC 2019
From source with checksum f61cb81cd81991486cda043eba9271ca
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How to find the version of Hadoop and Hive?
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