How to get a count of the number of documents in an Elasticsearch Index?

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It is quite common that you have a need to find the count of the number of documents in an Elasticsearch index. There are several ways to find this. Here are couple of ways.



Use this method if you are trying to get the count programmatically.

[osboxes@wk1 ~]$ curl "localhost:9200/account/_count"




This list all the indices in your cluster and it lists the information about all the indices in a nice tabular format.

[osboxes@wk1 ~]$ curl http://localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v

health status index   uuid                   pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size
yellow open   account avtO6o3jTmWtgAyQwTTM6Q   1   1       1000            0    391.4kb        391.4kb


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How to get a count of the number of documents in an Elasticsearch Index?
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