How to get a few lines of data from a file in HDFS?

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Use cat followed by a head or tail to see few lines from the top or end of the file.

Few lines from top of the file

Use the cat command followed by a head to get the top few files from a file. 

[hirw@wk1 ~]$ hdfs dfs -cat /user/zeppelin/notebook/2CA587K77/note.json | head

  "paragraphs": [
      "text": "%md\n\n## Exploring Spark SQL Module\n#### with an Airline Dataset\n\n**Level**: 
Beginner\n**Language**: Scala\n**Requirements**: \n- [HDP 2.6]( 
(or later) or [HDCloud](\n- Spark 2.x\n\n**Author**: 
Robert Hryniewicz\n**Follow** [@RobertH8z](",
      "user": "admin",
      "dateUpdated": "Feb 22, 2017 3:45:16 PM",
      "config": {
        "editorMode": "ace/mode/markdown",
        "colWidth": 12.0,
        "editorHide": true,

Few lines from bottom of the file

Use the tail command on the file to get few lines from the end of the file.

[hirw@wk1 ~]$ hdfs dfs -tail /user/zeppelin/notebook/2CA587K77/note.json

      "progressUpdateIntervalMs": 500
  "name": "Labs / Spark 2.x / Data Worker / Scala / 101 - Intro to SparkSQL",
  "id": "2CA587K77",
  "angularObjects": {
    "2C9J4X9BB:shared_process": [],
    "2C97XTJFE:shared_process": [],
    "2C9BD8WCX:shared_process": [],
    "2CBT85YD7:shared_process": [],
    "2C8RGTKC3:shared_process": [],
    "2CBQNWPMD:shared_process": [],
    "2C8JDGPHH:shared_process": [],


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How to get a few lines of data from a file in HDFS?
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