How to list all the available brokers in a Kafka cluster?

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There are 2 ways to get the list of available brokers in a Kafka cluster. Both with the help of scripts from zookeeper.

Zookeeper manages the leader election and other coordination things for a Kafka cluster. So Zookeeper has a list of all the Kafka brokers in the cluster.

Using <zookeeper-host>:2181 ls /brokers/ids

You would see something like below

WATCHER::  WatchedEvent state:SyncConnected type:None path:null [0, 1, 2]

This means that you have 3 alive brokers – 0, 1 and 2


Use to login to Zookeeper client -server <zookeeper-host>:2181

Below will list all the available brokers in Kafka cluster

ls /brokers/ids


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How to list all the available brokers in a Kafka cluster?
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