How to move a Hive table from one database to another?

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Let’s see how to move a Hive table from one database to another in action.

We are currently inside a database named hirw. Let’s list the table under hirw.

0: jdbc:hive2://,> show tables;

| tab_name  |
| employee  |

We got one table named employee under database hirw. Let’s create a new database named hirw_2

0: jdbc:hive2://,> create database hirw_2;

No rows affected (0.275 seconds)

Move table from hirw database to hirw_2 database

Hive offers a convenient alter table..rename command to move a Hive table from one database to another.

0: jdbc:hive2://,> alter table employee rename to hirw_2.employee;

No rows affected (0.649 seconds)

We don’t see the employee table anymore when we now list the tables under hirw.

0: jdbc:hive2://,> show tables;

| tab_name  |


No rows selected (0.287 seconds)

Let’s switch to hirw_2 database and list the tables again. There you go, employee table is under hirw_2 which is exactly what we wanted.

0: jdbc:hive2://,> use hirw_2

0: jdbc:hive2://,> show tables;

| tab_name  |
| employee  |

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How to move a Hive table from one database to another?
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