How to delete duplicate data from the Hive table?
March 7, 2023What is a pipeline and how to create a pipeline in Elasticsearch?
March 13, 2023Amazon S3 is not a filesystem so there is no rename command to rename objects or files. However this is a well known workaround.
Issue a move command to rename directories or files
aws s3 --recursive mv s3://hirw-kickstarter/Output s3://hirw-kickstarter/Output2 aws s3 mv s3://hirw-kickstarter/Output2/_SUCCESS s3://hirw-kickstarter/Output2/_SUCCESS2
How come we see the rename option in AWS console?
Rename option does the same set of operations as listed above.
Although, you can get what you want with the above commands to rename objects. It is important to note the files are moved during this and it will incur cost to move the objects around.