How to use multi character delimiter in a Hive table?

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How to use multi character delimiter in a Hive table?

Sometimes your data is slightly complex to delimit the individual columns with a single character like delimiter comma, pipe symbol etc. 


What if you have multi character delimiter like below ?

In the below sample record the delimiter is @#



Well if you are using Hive version 0.14.0 then you are in luck. You could use MultiDelimitSerDe  and specify the multi character delimiter for field.delim  property.

exch STRING,
symbol STRING,
price_open FLOAT,
price_high FLOAT,
price_low FLOAT,
price_close FLOAT,
volume INT,
price_adj_close FLOAT)
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.contrib.serde2.MultiDelimitSerDe'
WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ("field.delim"="@#")
LOCATION '/user/hirw/stocks-multi';


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How to use multi character delimiter in a Hive table?
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