Input For Page Ranking Using Hadoop

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If you are new to Hadoop, you are probably tired of WordCount and want to get hands on with some real use cases. Page ranking is an excellent use case for Hadoop and it can help understand the true power of Hadoop. Wikipedia expose their pages in XML format and can be used as an input for a Page Ranking MapReduce program.

Wikipedia make XML dumps available for its pages in this location but the file sizes are in GBs and so it is very hard for new learners with few nodes in their Hadoop cluster to play with it. Below instructions will explain how to export a XML file for few pages resulting in a smaller file, which is great for testing and learning.

Get a List

Get a list of Wikipedia pages you would like to rank. For the purpose of this example, we are going to pick the following pages.


Use the page title Apache_Software_Foundation and Apache_Hadoop for the extract below.


Go to the below URL.

Enter the page titles from the previous step in the space provided and hit export  to download the XML file and use it as input for your Page Ranking program.

Looking for something more interesting data to analyze in Hadoop? Follow this Post to stream data from Twitter.

Wikipedia Export



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Input For Page Ranking Using Hadoop
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