Using Million Song Dataset In Hadoop

What is Million Song Dataset ?



 The Million Song Dataset is a freely-available collection of audio features and metadata for a million   contemporary popular music tracks. The Million Song Dataset started as a collaborative project between The Echo Nest and LabROSA.

The entire dataset is 280 GB and you can also download a subset (10,000 songs) which is 1.8 GB in size. Follow this link to get the dataset.

What are the use cases with Hadoop ?

There are several experiments you can try with the dataset. Couple of examples –

Calculate song density for each song and list the top 10 high density songs.

List the top 10 hottest songs closer to where you live using the artists latitude and longitude.

Working with the dataset

There are 2 issues with the dataset.

1. Size – even the subset (10,000 songs) dataset is 1.8 GB what if we want to get 200 MB dataset or a dataset even smaller.

2. Format – The files in the dataset are in HDF5 format. We need to convert the files to tab delimited (or any delimiter) text files to work with Hadoop.

Solving Size and Format issue at once

We will write a small program using HDF5 libraries to covert the .h5 files to .txt files and while doing that extract all fields to tab delimited (or delimiter of your choice) format.

Download and install to get the HDF5 libraries from

You can also download the program to extract the columns. I have modified the code a little bit to write the output to a file in tab delimited format and to run the program on selected folders so if you decide to run the program on a smaller dataset only list a small list of folders as input to the program. Feel free to update the program to get specific fields you are interested in. Complete list of fields can be found here. You can also use the program to run it on a full dataset (optimizations to the code may be required to run it on full dataset)

Couple of things to note before you execute the program.

1. You would need to have JDK 1.7 as the libraries are built with JDK 1.7

2. The program expects the following VM argument pointing to HDF5 libraries -Djava.library.path=”C:/Program Files/HDF_Group/HDF-JAVA/2.10.0/lib”

3. Add HDF5 libraries to the classpath



package com.jerry.hirw.h5getter;

Thierry Bertin-Mahieux (2010) Columbia University

This code contains a set of getters functions to access the fields
from an HDF5 song file (regular file with one song or summary file
with many songs) in Java.
The goal is to reproduce the Python getters behaviour.
Our aim is only to show how to use the HDF5 files with Java, the
code is not optimized at all!

NOTE ON 2D ARRAYS: pitches and timbre are supposed to be #segs x 12
They are stored in 1D array by concatenating rows, e.g. elem 20
should be row 1 elem 8.
To get element of row r and column c from an array a, call a[r*12+c]

To get a faster code, you should load metadata/songs and analysis/songs
only once, see the Matlab code in /MatlabSrc for inspiration.

This is part of the Million Song Dataset project from
LabROSA (Columbia University) and The Echo Nest.

Copyright 2010, Thierry Bertin-Mahieux

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import ncsa.hdf.hdf5lib.exceptions.HDF5Exception;
//import ncsa.hdf.hdf5lib.*;
import ncsa.hdf.object.HObject;
import ncsa.hdf.object.Datatype;
import ncsa.hdf.object.Dataset;
import ncsa.hdf.object.h5.*;

import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Arrays;

 * Class containing static methods to open a HDF5 song file and access its content.
public class HDF5GettersV2

	static int songCount;

     * Opens an existing HDF5 file with read only access.
    public static H5File hdf5_open_readonly(String filename)
    	return new H5File(filename,H5File.READ);

     * Closes the HDF5 file.
     * Function usefull only because of the try/catch
    public static void hdf5_close(H5File h5) 
	try {
	} catch (HDF5Exception ex) {
	    System.out.println("Could not close HDF5 file?");

    public static int get_num_songs(H5File h5)
	H5CompoundDS metadata;
	try {
	    metadata = (H5CompoundDS) h5.get("/metadata/songs");
	    return metadata.getHeight();
	} catch (Exception e) {
	    return -1;

    public static double get_artist_familiarity(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_artist_familiarity(h5, 0); }
    public static double get_artist_familiarity(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_member_double(h5,songidx,"/metadata/songs","artist_familiarity");	

    public static double get_artist_hotttnesss(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_artist_hotttnesss(h5, 0); }
    public static double get_artist_hotttnesss(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_member_double(h5,songidx,"/metadata/songs","artist_hotttnesss");

    public static String get_artist_id(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_artist_id(h5, 0); }
    public static String get_artist_id(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_member_string(h5,songidx,"/metadata/songs","artist_id");

    public static String get_artist_mbid(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_artist_mbid(h5, 0); }
    public static String get_artist_mbid(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_member_string(h5,songidx,"/metadata/songs","artist_mbid");

    public static int get_artist_playmeid(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_artist_playmeid(h5, 0); }
    public static int get_artist_playmeid(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_member_int(h5,songidx,"/metadata/songs","artist_playmeid");

    public static int get_artist_7digitalid(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_artist_7digitalid(h5, 0); }
    public static int get_artist_7digitalid(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_member_int(h5,songidx,"/metadata/songs","artist_7digitalid");

    public static double get_artist_latitude(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_artist_latitude(h5, 0); }
    public static double get_artist_latitude(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_member_double(h5,songidx,"/metadata/songs","artist_latitude");

    public static double get_artist_longitude(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_artist_longitude(h5, 0); }
    public static double get_artist_longitude(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_member_double(h5,songidx,"/metadata/songs","artist_longitude");

    public static String get_artist_location(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_artist_location(h5, 0); }
    public static String get_artist_location(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_member_string(h5,songidx,"/metadata/songs","artist_location");

    public static String get_artist_name(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_artist_name(h5, 0); }
    public static String get_artist_name(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_member_string(h5,songidx,"/metadata/songs","artist_name");

    public static String get_release(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_release(h5, 0); }
    public static String get_release(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_member_string(h5,songidx,"/metadata/songs","release");

    public static int get_release_7digitalid(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_release_7digitalid(h5, 0); }
    public static int get_release_7digitalid(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_member_int(h5,songidx,"/metadata/songs","release_7digitalid");

    public static String get_song_id(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_song_id(h5, 0); }
    public static String get_song_id(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_member_string(h5,songidx,"/metadata/songs","song_id");

    public static double get_song_hotttnesss(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_song_hotttnesss(h5, 0); }
    public static double get_song_hotttnesss(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_member_double(h5,songidx,"/metadata/songs","song_hotttnesss");

    public static String get_title(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_title(h5, 0); }
    public static String get_title(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_member_string(h5,songidx,"/metadata/songs","title");

    public static int get_track_7digitalid(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_track_7digitalid(h5, 0); }
    public static int get_track_7digitalid(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_member_int(h5,songidx,"/metadata/songs","track_7digitalid");

    public static String[] get_similar_artists(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_similar_artists(h5, 0); }
    public static String[] get_similar_artists(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_array_string(h5, songidx, "metadata", "similar_artists");

    public static String[] get_artist_terms(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_artist_terms(h5, 0); }
    public static String[] get_artist_terms(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_array_string(h5, songidx, "metadata", "artist_terms");

    public static double[] get_artist_terms_freq(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_artist_terms_freq(h5, 0); }
    public static double[] get_artist_terms_freq(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_array_double(h5, songidx, "metadata", "artist_terms_freq",1,"idx_artist_terms");

    public static double[] get_artist_terms_weight(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_artist_terms_weight(h5, 0); }
    public static double[] get_artist_terms_weight(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_array_double(h5, songidx, "metadata", "artist_terms_weight",1,"idx_artist_terms");

    public static double get_analysis_sample_rate(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_analysis_sample_rate(h5, 0); }
    public static double get_analysis_sample_rate(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_member_int(h5,songidx,"/analysis/songs","analysis_sample_rate");

    public static String get_audio_md5(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_audio_md5(h5, 0); }
    public static String get_audio_md5(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_member_string(h5,songidx,"/analysis/songs","audio_md5");

    public static double get_danceability(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_danceability(h5, 0); }
    public static double get_danceability(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_member_double(h5,songidx,"/analysis/songs","danceability");

    public static double get_duration(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_duration(h5, 0); }
    public static double get_duration(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_member_double(h5,songidx,"/analysis/songs","duration");

    public static double get_end_of_fade_in(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_end_of_fade_in(h5, 0); }
    public static double get_end_of_fade_in(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_member_double(h5,songidx,"/analysis/songs","end_of_fade_in");

    public static double get_energy(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_energy(h5, 0); }
    public static double get_energy(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_member_double(h5,songidx,"/analysis/songs","energy");

    public static int get_key(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_key(h5, 0); }
    public static int get_key(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_member_int(h5,songidx,"/analysis/songs","key");

    public static double get_key_confidence(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_key_confidence(h5, 0); }
    public static double get_key_confidence(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_member_double(h5,songidx,"/analysis/songs","key_confidence");

    public static double get_loudness(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_loudness(h5, 0); }
    public static double get_loudness(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_member_double(h5,songidx,"/analysis/songs","loudness");

    public static int get_mode(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_mode(h5, 0); }
    public static int get_mode(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_member_int(h5,songidx,"/analysis/songs","mode");

    public static double get_mode_confidence(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_mode_confidence(h5, 0); }
    public static double get_mode_confidence(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_member_double(h5,songidx,"/analysis/songs","mode_confidence");

    public static double get_start_of_fade_out(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_start_of_fade_out(h5, 0); }
    public static double get_start_of_fade_out(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_member_double(h5,songidx,"/analysis/songs","start_of_fade_out");

    public static double get_tempo(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_tempo(h5, 0); }
    public static double get_tempo(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_member_double(h5,songidx,"/analysis/songs","tempo");

    public static int get_time_signature(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_time_signature(h5, 0); }
    public static int get_time_signature(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_member_int(h5,songidx,"/analysis/songs","time_signature");

    public static double get_time_signature_confidence(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_time_signature_confidence(h5, 0); }
    public static double get_time_signature_confidence(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_member_double(h5,songidx,"/analysis/songs","time_signature_confidence");

    public static String get_track_id(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_track_id(h5, 0); }
    public static String get_track_id(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_member_string(h5,songidx,"/analysis/songs","track_id");

    public static double[] get_segments_start(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_segments_start(h5, 0); }
    public static double[] get_segments_start(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_array_double(h5, songidx, "analysis", "segments_start", 1);

    public static double[] get_segments_confidence(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_segments_confidence(h5, 0); }
    public static double[] get_segments_confidence(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_array_double(h5, songidx, "analysis", "segments_confidence", 1);

    public static double[] get_segments_pitches(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_segments_pitches(h5, 0); }
    public static double[] get_segments_pitches(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_array_double(h5, songidx, "analysis", "segments_pitches", 2);

    public static double[] get_segments_timbre(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_segments_timbre(h5, 0); }
    public static double[] get_segments_timbre(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_array_double(h5, songidx, "analysis", "segments_timbre", 2);

    public static double[] get_segments_loudness_max(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_segments_loudness_max(h5, 0); }
    public static double[] get_segments_loudness_max(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_array_double(h5, songidx, "analysis", "segments_loudness_max", 1);

    public static double[] get_segments_loudness_max_time(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_segments_loudness_max_time(h5, 0); }
    public static double[] get_segments_loudness_max_time(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_array_double(h5, songidx, "analysis", "segments_loudness_max_time", 1);

    public static double[] get_segments_loudness_start(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_segments_loudness_start(h5, 0); }
    public static double[] get_segments_loudness_start(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_array_double(h5, songidx, "analysis", "segments_loudness_start", 1);

    public static double[] get_sections_start(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_sections_start(h5, 0); }
    public static double[] get_sections_start(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_array_double(h5, songidx, "analysis", "sections_start", 1);

    public static double[] get_sections_confidence(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_sections_confidence(h5, 0); }
    public static double[] get_sections_confidence(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_array_double(h5, songidx, "analysis", "sections_confidence", 1);

    public static double[] get_beats_start(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_beats_start(h5, 0); }
    public static double[] get_beats_start(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_array_double(h5, songidx, "analysis", "beats_start", 1);

    public static double[] get_beats_confidence(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_beats_confidence(h5, 0); }
    public static double[] get_beats_confidence(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_array_double(h5, songidx, "analysis", "beats_confidence", 1);

    public static double[] get_bars_start(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_bars_start(h5, 0); }
    public static double[] get_bars_start(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_array_double(h5, songidx, "analysis", "bars_start", 1);

    public static double[] get_bars_confidence(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_bars_confidence(h5, 0); }
    public static double[] get_bars_confidence(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
    	try {
    		return get_array_double(h5, songidx, "analysis", "bars_confidence", 1);
    	}catch(Exception e) {
    		double[] d = {};
    		return d;

    public static double[] get_tatums_start(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_tatums_start(h5, 0); }
    public static double[] get_tatums_start(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_array_double(h5, songidx, "analysis", "tatums_start", 1);

    public static double[] get_tatums_confidence(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_tatums_confidence(h5, 0); }
    public static double[] get_tatums_confidence(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_array_double(h5, songidx, "analysis", "tatums_confidence", 1);

    public static int get_year(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_year(h5, 0); }
    public static int get_year(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
	return get_member_int(h5,songidx,"/musicbrainz/songs","year");

    public static String[] get_artist_mbtags(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_artist_mbtags(h5, 0); }
    public static String[] get_artist_mbtags(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
    	try {

    		return get_array_string(h5, songidx, "musicbrainz", "artist_mbtags");
    	}catch(Exception e) {
    		String[] str = {};
    		return str;

    public static int[] get_artist_mbtags_count(H5File h5) throws Exception { return get_artist_mbtags_count(h5, 0); }
    public static int[] get_artist_mbtags_count(H5File h5, int songidx) throws Exception
    	try {
    		return get_array_int(h5, songidx, "musicbrainz", "artist_mbtags_count","idx_artist_mbtags");
    	}catch(Exception e) {
    		int[] i = {};
    		return i;

    /********************************** UTILITY FUNCTIONS ************************************/

     * Slow utility function.
    public static int find(String[] tab, String key)
	for (int k = 0; k < tab.length; k++)
	    if (tab[k].equals(key)) return k;
	return -1;

    public static int get_member_int(H5File h5, int songidx, String table, String member) throws Exception
	H5CompoundDS analysis = (H5CompoundDS) h5.get(table);
	int wantedMember = find( analysis.getMemberNames() , member);
	assert(wantedMember >= 0);		
	Vector alldata = (Vector) analysis.getData();
	int[] col = (int[]) alldata.get(wantedMember);
	return col[songidx];

    public static double get_member_double(H5File h5, int songidx, String table, String member) throws Exception
	H5CompoundDS analysis = (H5CompoundDS) h5.get(table);
	int wantedMember = find( analysis.getMemberNames() , member);
	assert(wantedMember >= 0);		
	Vector alldata = (Vector) analysis.getData();
	double[] col = (double[]) alldata.get(wantedMember);
	return col[songidx];

    public static String get_member_string(H5File h5, int songidx, String table, String member) throws Exception
	H5CompoundDS analysis = (H5CompoundDS) h5.get(table);
	int wantedMember = find( analysis.getMemberNames() , member);
	assert(wantedMember >= 0);		
	Vector alldata = (Vector) analysis.getData();
	String[] col = (String[]) alldata.get(wantedMember);
	return col[songidx];

    public static double[] get_array_double(H5File h5, int songidx, String group, String arrayname, int ndims) throws Exception   
	return get_array_double(h5,songidx,group,arrayname,ndims,"");
    public static double[] get_array_double(H5File h5, int songidx, String group, String arrayname, int ndims, String idxname) throws Exception
	// index
	H5CompoundDS analysis = (H5CompoundDS) h5.get(group + "/songs");
	if (idxname.equals("")) idxname = "idx_"+arrayname;
	int wantedMember = find( analysis.getMemberNames() , idxname);
	assert(wantedMember >= 0);		
	Vector alldata = (Vector) analysis.getData();
	int[] col = (int[]) alldata.get(wantedMember);
	int pos1 = col[songidx];
	// data
	H5ScalarDS array = (H5ScalarDS) h5.get("/"+group+"/"+arrayname);
	if (ndims == 1)
		double[] data = (double[]) array.getData();
		int pos2 = data.length;
		if (songidx + 1 < col.length) pos2 = col[songidx+1];
		// copy
		double[] res = new double[pos2-pos1];
		for (int k = 0; k < res.length; k++)
		    res[k] = data[pos1+k];
		return res;
	else if (ndims == 2) // multiply by 12
		pos1 *= 12;
		double[] data = (double[]) array.getData();
		int pos2 = data.length;
		if (songidx + 1 < col.length) pos2 = col[songidx+1] * 12;
		// copy
		double[] res = new double[pos2-pos1];
		for (int k = 0; k < res.length; k++)
		    res[k] = data[pos1+k];
		return res;
	// more than 2 dims?
	return null;

    public static int[] get_array_int(H5File h5, int songidx, String group, String arrayname) throws Exception
	return get_array_int(h5, songidx, group, arrayname, "");
    public static int[] get_array_int(H5File h5, int songidx, String group, String arrayname, String idxname) throws Exception
	// index
	H5CompoundDS analysis = (H5CompoundDS) h5.get(group + "/songs");
	if (idxname.equals("")) idxname = "idx_"+arrayname;
	int wantedMember = find( analysis.getMemberNames() , idxname);
	assert(wantedMember >= 0);		
	Vector alldata = (Vector) analysis.getData();
	int[] col = (int[]) alldata.get(wantedMember);
	int pos1 = col[songidx];
	// data
	H5ScalarDS array = (H5ScalarDS) h5.get("/"+group+"/"+arrayname);
	int[] data = (int[]) array.getData();
	int pos2 = data.length;
	if (songidx + 1 < col.length) pos2 = col[songidx+1];
	// copy
	int[] res = new int[pos2-pos1];
	for (int k = 0; k < res.length; k++)
	    res[k] = data[pos1+k];
	return res;

    public static String[] get_array_string(H5File h5, int songidx, String group, String arrayname) throws Exception
	// index
	H5CompoundDS analysis = (H5CompoundDS) h5.get(group + "/songs");
	int wantedMember = find( analysis.getMemberNames() , "idx_"+arrayname);
	assert(wantedMember >= 0);		
	Vector alldata = (Vector) analysis.getData();
	int[] col = (int[]) alldata.get(wantedMember);
	int pos1 = col[songidx];
	// data
	H5ScalarDS array = (H5ScalarDS) h5.get("/"+group+"/"+arrayname);
	String[] data = (String[]) array.getData();
	int pos2 = data.length;
	if (songidx + 1 < col.length) pos2 = col[songidx+1];
	// copy
	String[] res = new String[pos2-pos1];
	for (int k = 0; k < res.length; k++)
	    res[k] = data[pos1+k];
	return res;

    public static void extractSongInfo(String filename, FileWriter fw) {

    	//System.out.println("file: " + filename);
    	H5File h5 = hdf5_open_readonly(filename);
    	int nSongs = get_num_songs(h5);
    	//System.out.println("numberof songs: " + nSongs);
    	if (nSongs > 1) 
    		System.out.println("we'll display infor for song 0");
    	try {

    	    // metadata
    	    fw.write(new Double(get_artist_familiarity(h5)).toString()+"\t");
    	    fw.write(new Double(get_artist_hotttnesss(h5)).toString()+"\t");
    	    String latlong = new Double(get_artist_latitude(h5)).toString();
    	    fw.write(latlong.equals("NaN") ? "" : latlong+"\t");
    	    latlong = new Double(get_artist_longitude(h5)).toString();
    	    fw.write(latlong.equals("NaN") ? "" : latlong+"\t");
    	    fw.write(get_danceability( h5)+"\t"); 
    	    fw.write(get_energy( h5)+"\t");
    	    String hot = new Double(get_song_hotttnesss(h5)).toString();
    	    fw.write(hot.equals("NaN") ? "" : hot+"\t");
    	    } catch (Exception e) {
    	    System.out.println("something went wrong:");

    public static void browseFolder(String foldername, FileWriter fw) {

		File folder = new File(foldername);
		File[] listOfFiles = folder.listFiles();
		for(File file : listOfFiles) {
				extractSongInfo(file.getAbsolutePath(), fw);
				browseFolder(file.getAbsolutePath(), fw);


    /****************************************** MAIN 
     * @throws IOException *****************************************/

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
		if (args.length < 1)
			System.out.println("file ''");
			System.out.println("T. Bertin-Mahieux (2010)");
			System.out.println("a util static class to read HDF5 song files from");
			System.out.println("the Million Songs Dataset project");
			System.out.println("   see README.txt to compile");
			System.out.println("   java hdf5_getters <some HDF5 song file>");
		File fileToWrite = new File("C:\\Hadoop\\Songs\\bigdatafile.txt");

		// if file doesnt exists, then create it
		if (!fileToWrite.exists()) {

		FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(fileToWrite.getAbsoluteFile());
		BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw);

		for(String foldername : args)
			browseFolder(foldername, fw);




If you are running the program in Eclipse, here is how my Run Configuration looks like –

HDF5 Getter















Enjoy the dataset !!

Big Data In Real World
Big Data In Real World
We are a group of Big Data engineers who are passionate about Big Data and related Big Data technologies. We have designed, developed, deployed and maintained Big Data applications ranging from batch to real time streaming big data platforms. We have seen a wide range of real world big data problems, implemented some innovative and complex (or simple, depending on how you look at it) solutions.

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Using Million Song Dataset In Hadoop
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