What is an efficient way to check if a Spark DataFrame is empty?

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A quick answer that might come to your mind is to call the count() function on the dataframe and check if the count is greater than 0. count() on a dataframe with a lot of records is super inefficient.

count() will do a global count of records in the dataframe from all partitions and then add all the intermediate counts together to get the final count. You will find this approach very slow for big dataframes.

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Optimal way to check if dataframe is empty

Use the head function in place of count.


Above is efficient because to find whether a dataframe is empty or not, all you need to know is whether the dataframe has at least one record or not.

Note that head() on an empty dataframe will result in java.util.NoSuchElementException exception. So make sure to use head(1).


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What is an efficient way to check if a Spark DataFrame is empty?
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