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October 1, 2021How to select top N rows in Hive?
October 8, 2021foreach() and foreachPartition() are action function and not transform function. Both functions, since they are actions, they don’t return a RDD back.
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Use foreach() when you want to apply a function on every element in a RDD. But note, you are not transforming the elements in the RDD. With foreach() you are usually changing the state of something outside the RDD based on the elements in the RDD. Thereby causing side effects.
For eg. you can use foreach() to update a column in a database table for every element in RDD.
A common use case to use foreach() is to update an accumulator for every element in RDD.
scala> val acc = sc.longAccumulator("sample-accumulator") scala> sc.parallelize(Array(10, 20, 30, 40)).foreach(element => acc.add(element))
In the above example foreach function is applied 4 times. Once per element in RDD.
foreachPartition() is very similar to mapPartitions() as it is also used to perform initialization once per partition as opposed to initializing something once per element in RDD.
With the below snippet we are creating a Kafka producer inside foreachPartition() and sending the every element in the RDD to Kakfa.
rdd.foreachPartition { //called once per partition partition => val producer = createKafkaProducer() partition.foreach { //called per each element in the partition element => producer.send(element) } producer.close() }
Let’s say our RDD has 5 partitions and 10 elements in each partition. So a total of 50 elements in total. At execution each partition will be processed by a task. Each task gets executed on worker node.
With the above code snippet, foreachPartition will be called 5 times, once per task/partition. So each task will create kafkaProducer. Inside each partition, foreach function will be called for every element in the partition. So in total it will called 50 times.
Again, note that both foreach and foreachParitition are used for operation which causes side effects and they are intended to change the state of the something (DB, accumulator, Kafka etc.) other than the RDD. Both functions are not designed to transform the RDD as they are not transformation functions, they are actions.
If you are trying to transform the RDD, refer the post related to map and mapPartitions.