What is the difference between INNER JOIN and LEFT SEMI JOIN in Hive?

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Both INNER JOIN and LEFT SEMI JOIN return matching records between both tables with a subtle difference.

Let’s consider 2 tables – employee and employee_department_mapping with the below data.

employee (2 columns - e_id and e_name)
10, Tom
20, Jerry 
30, Emily
employee_department_mapping (2 columns - e_id and d_name)
10, IT
10, Sales
20, HR


Here we INNER JOIN the 2 tables on e_id.

SELECT e.e_id, e.e_name, d.d_name FROM 
employee e INNER JOIN employee_department_mapping d
on e.e_id = d.e_id

INNER JOIN repeats the matching record from the left hand side table multiple times for each matching record in the right hand side.

10, Tom, IT
10, Tom, Sales
20, Jerry, HR


Here we LEFT SEMI JOIN the 2 tables on e_id.

SELECT e.e_id, e.e_name, d.d_name FROM 
employee e LEFT SEMI JOIN employee_department_mapping d
on e.e_id = d.e_id

With LEFT SEMI JOIN, we get only the first matching record in the left hand side table in the output. As soon as a match is hit, the join will move to the next e_id.

10, Tom, IT
20, Jerry, HR

LEFT SEMI JOIN is similar to the EXISTS query below

SELECT name FROM employee e 
WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM employee_department_mapping d WHERE (e.e_id=b.d_id))

When to use INNER JOIN and when to use LEFT SEMI JOIN

Use INNER JOIN if you want to repeat the matching record from the left hand side table multiple times for each matching record in the right hand side.

Use LEFT SEMI JOIN if you want to list the matching record from the left hand side table only once for each matching record in the right hand side.

LEFT SEMI JOIN is better performant when compared to the INNER JOIN.

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What is the difference between INNER JOIN and LEFT SEMI JOIN in Hive?
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