What is the difference between UDF, UDAF and UDTF in Hive?

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Hive has 3 different types of functions – User Defined Function (UDF), User Defined Aggregate Function (UDAF) and User Defined Table generating Function (UDTF).

User Defined Function (UDF)

UDFs operate on a single row and produce a single row as output.

length(STRING), round(DOUBLE, INT)  are examples of UDFs.

Assume you have a sales table with 10 rows. Applying the length() on a column in the table will still result in 10 rows.

SELECT length(col1) from sales;

User Defined Aggregate Function (UDAF)

UDAFs operate on multiple rows and produce a single row as output.

sum(col), min(col)  are couple of examples of UDAFs

Assume you have a sales table with 10 rows. Applying the sum() on a column in the table without a group by will still result in 1 row.

SELECT sum(quantity) from sales;

Note that UDAFs are aggregate functions so usually they are used with Group By clause.

SELECT sum(quantity) from sales;
group by category;

User Defined Table generating Function (UDTF)

UDTFs operate on single rows and produce multiple rows as output.

Functions like explode(Array), posexplode(Array) are examples of UDTFs.

Let’s look at an example of explode function in action.

Let’s say you have a table with one column which is of type array and has 1 row. The array has 3 elements – Tom, Jerry and Emily.

0: jdbc:hive2://ms2.hirw.com:2181,wk1.hirw.co> select array('Tom','Jerry','Emily');
|           _c0            |
| ["Tom","Jerry","Emily"]  |
1 row selected (0.631 seconds)

There are 2 flavors of explode, one flavor takes an Array and another takes a Map. In the below example explode function will take in an Array and explode the array into multiple rows. So if we have 3 elements in the array we will end up with 3 rows.

0: jdbc:hive2://ms2.hirw.com:2181,wk1.hirw.co> select explode(array('Tom','Jerry','Emily'));
|  col   |
| Tom    |
| Jerry  |
| Emily  |
3 rows selected (0.774 seconds)


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What is the difference between UDF, UDAF and UDTF in Hive?
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